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Undergraduates Internal Regulations (en)

Article Index

Item 16:

 No increase what so ever for marks either for final exams or the final accumulative total marks.

Item 17:

A- The compensation for success must be according to what the faculty council admits at the recommendation of examiners’ committee. The added marks to achieve the minimum marks of the subject are a real addition not a percentage addition.

B- Principles for compensation:

I- Final Exams:

1- Any subject (whatever the number of subjects ) can be

increased within 2% in order to succeed.

2- In case the student fails in one subject only , this subject can

be compensated within 6% provided he/she has succeeded in

all other subjects without compensation.

3- For the student who is liable for dismissing compensation can

be doubled to reach 4% for each subject and 12% for a single


4- There is no compensation for a subject, year or cumulative

marks to reach a higher grade.

5- If the student fails in one subject in addition to English or

humanities and behavioral sciences in first and second year or

community in third year, compensation for this subject may

reach 6%.

6- In case the student fail in the second turn in one subject which

may lead to repeating the year in promoting in the third or

fourth year the compensation in this subject may reach 8%.

II- Formative Exams:

1- For First Turn:

Ø The student who has not attended the exam for an acceptable reason will be given a percentage of the written exam in case he has attended 75% of the classes.

Ø The student who has not attended without an acceptable reason will have zero for the exam.

2- For the Second Turn:

Ø The student who has postponed the exam for an acceptable reason will have the original marks of his formative exam.

Ø Students who entered the second turn because they failed in the first one will have the original marks of their formative exam if they succeeded.

Ø If the student fails in the second turn his formative exam marks may be considered a percentage of the written exam if this can lead to his success. In this condition he/she is given the least marks for success.

3- The fraction of a mark is added as it is in any question of the exam but is elevated to a whole mark if half or more and is omitted if less than half in the final mark of the exam. In case the student fails in the written exam and needs half a mark to succeed the half mark is given.

4- The previous principles are put in action unless the faculty council decided other regulations.

Item 18:

 A student is considered to be a failure if he\she gets less than 40% in the written exam of any medical subject.

Item 19:

 A student success is evaluated as follows:

*Excellent: if a student scores 85% or more of the total sum.

*Very good: if a student scores from 75% to less than 85% of the total sum.

*Good: if a student scores from 65% to less than 75% of the total sum.

*Pass: if a student scores from 60% to less than 65% of the total sum.

While the failure of a student is evaluated by the following evaluation ways:

* Poor: if a student scores from 30% to less than 60% of the total sum.

*Very poor: if a student scores less than 30% of the total sum.


The faculty council determines the content of each curriculum according to the recommendation of the department council. The department council must prepare the content of every course before the beginning of every year.

Item 21:

 the start of this bylaw will be for the student joining the faculty in the academic year 2004/2005.

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