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Students' Mentorship System

Students' Mentorship System

General Coordinator of Student Mentor System:
Prof. Dr. Menna Abdel-Dayem
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Faculty  members  are  increasingly  committed  to  teaching undergraduates and mentorship is an innovative form of helping students to become involved in their own choices. Instilling students with a sense of commitment to their future plans and responsibility for their decisions.
Mentorship system serves an important role:
  • Creating an environment that support students' learning and personal development.
  • Development of student competence, autonomy, and purpose.
  • Mentors offer a high level of support for all students, including the teaching provision and admission procedure.
Mentor's task:
  • Guidance as well as imparting information more contributes to a student's personal growth:
  • Developing competence.
  • Developing autonomy.
  • Developing purpose in the undergraduate student, explore with students the factors that lead to success, and show interest in both  the  students'  academic  progress  and  extracurricular achievement.
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