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Educational Agreements

Educational Agreements

•   Cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, and the Faculty of Medicine of 6th  of October University:
Kasr El Ainy is training clinically more than 800 students from the 6th of October University in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades in the Cairo University  Hospitals  due  to  the  agreed  upon  protocol  which  was signed by both faculties.
•   The   agreement   between   Cairo   University   and   Malaysian Government:
The agreement was signed at 22 May 2006, to teach the Malaysian students the undergraduate programme of the Kasr Al Ainy Medical School in English. Their names are enrolled among those of the Kasr Al Ainy students and they will be subdued to all bylaws and legislations. Moreover, they study the Arabic language by professors from the Faculty of Arts. Arabic  language  –  basic  life  support  cultural  competence  - evidence based medicine – communication skills … etc.
Counselor of Education and Training of Embassy of Malaysia in Cairo with Malaysian Students
  A students' exchange agreement with the Faculty of Medicine and the University of Lille, France:
Five  students  from  the  University  of  Lille  attended  the  elective summer training, and four students from Kasr Al Ainy traveled to be trained  in  the  University  of  Lille  for  the  year  2007/2008.  The agreement requires fluency in the French language
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