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Youth Care Office

Youth Care Office



Employees of Youth Care Center
First Raw: From right to left: Ms/ Ibtsam Abou Bakr, Ms/ Sawsan Hussein, Ms/ Samia Abou El Nasr, Ms/ Manal Ibraim, Ms/ Reda Abdel Bary
Second Raw: Mr. Mahmoud Hassan, Ms/ Nagda Hassan, Mr/ Moa'taz El Sayed, Mr/ Ahmed Zaky, Mr, Mohamed Hussein, Mr, Karam Reyad, Mr/ Hassan Goda
Behind the conference center. 
Staff members of the center in collaboration with student's council supervise students activities. 
  • Three committees are included for social activities, sportive activities & cultural and artistic activities.
  • The center supervises financial support for some students controls delivery for hot meals for reduced prices.
  • University Book Project: offers University books for free for students with social difficulties. 
Different Services:
  • Payment of the students' dormitory Hostel.
  • Payment of Faculty studying fees.
  • Offering scientific books
  • Healthcare and Medical eye glasses
  • Clothes, plus arranging fairs for clothes with symbolic prices.
  • Medical equipment that are needed by the students during their clinical studies.
How to obtain the services:
1-   Contact  the  social  welfare  clerk  in  the  office  of  youth  care sponsorship.
2-   Fill certain form stating the type of service required.
3-   Endorsement of that form from the students affair office in the first floor of the administration building.
4-   Return of the form to Youth Office.
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