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Undergraduates Internal Regulations (en)

Article Index

Chapter One

The Faculty Departments

Item 1:

The Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, consists of the following departments:

1. Human Anatomy and Embryology.

2. Histology.

3. Human physiology.

4. Medical biochemistry.

5. Pathology.

6.Clinical pharmacology

7. Microbiology and medical immunity.

8. Medical parasitology.

9. Ophthalmology.

10. Ear, nose and throat

11. Forensic medicine and clinical toxicology.

12. Community medicine.

13. Internal medicine.

14. Pediatrics.

15. Dematology.

16. Reumatology, rehablitation and physiotherapy.

17. Cardiology.

18. Clinical and chemical pathology.

19. Psychiatry.

20. Neurology.

21. Tropical Medicine.

22. Chest.

23. General surgery.

24. Gynecology and obstetrics.

25. Orthopedic surgery.

26. Urosurgery.

27. Neurosurgery.

28. Cardiothoracic surgery.

29. Anaesthesia and surgical intensive care.

30. Diagnostic radiology.

31. Medical oncology and nuclear medicine.

32. Andrology.

33. Family medicine.

34. Intensive care.

35. The occupational and industrial medicine.

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