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Time management

time management

To help you work powerfully and use your time better

To find out how to prioritize and schedule your time for maximum impact


Lecture Hall B

Date and time:

Tuesday February 9, 2016

10 am to 1 pm


Dr Sherif Hosny

Consultant of Paediatric Ophthalmology, Abo- Errish Hospitals


NLP Diploma (INLPTA) 2010
Advanced communication skills 2010
Certified Family Coach 2010
Certified Trainer (Cairo University) 2011

Instructor of communication skills&Dr-Patient relationship for house officers-medical college –Cairo University
Mentor of tamayoz Kasr El Ainy branch
Consultant for MRS
Founder of Elbedayah website
Founder of "خطوة لبكرة"
Mentor for “PHEO”

Link for registration:

The student should log in with the official email to access the link

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