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Undergrduate Regulations & Bylaws

The Academic Year

The academic year starts in September on the 3rd Sunday and the year's duration is not less than thirty weeks. The study terminates by the end of the final examinations period. Cairo University determines the date of the midyear recess which is two weeks starting at around 27/1/2007 to 6/2/2007.

Undergraduate Admission:

Students with the highest secondary school grades are admitted through the admission office of the Ministry of Higher Education. No placement aptitude or achievement examination is required.

Priority for admission is given to the applicants with highest grades in Egyptian National Secondary schools certificate "Thanawiya Amma". Other National secondary school certificates as well as International (i.e. GCSE, IGCSE etc.) are also accepted through the admission office. Geographical distribution, Good Health & reputation are also considered.

Fees for the Egyptian students are 138 L.E. for new comers and 110 LE per year there after.

The student is not allowed to register himself/herself in more than one Faculty.

Foreign Students:

Foreign students are to present their documents to:

The foreign students department of the ministry of Higher education 

(Wafedeen Department)

Address: 2 Dareeh Saad St. off Kasr El Aini St., Cairo, Egypt. Tel: +027954439,


Website: www.Mohe-Casm.Edu.Eg. Postal code: 11461

for Foreign students 3000 Sterling pounds for the first year and 1500 Sterling pounds per each following year.

Cairo University/Malaysian Agreement Students

The agreement between Cairo University & the Malaysian government (JPA) was signed on May 2006 to allow Malaysian students to join the Faculty of Medicine and to be part of the undergraduate program (taught in English).

NB: During 2006/2007, 108 Malaysian students were enrolled among Faculty of Medicine Students.

 Other Admissions

Transfer Students:

  • Transference between Faculties is done centrally at the Cairo University.
  • Priority is given to students with the highest Grades.
  • Only "Excellent" and "very good" grades are accepted.
  • Applicants have to apply for Admission within the first month of the academic year.
  • The work & residence of the student's father should be in Cairo.
  • Transference from Universities located in the greater Cairo area and of different learning programs (e.g.: Suez-Canal University) are not allowed.
  • Transference after the completion of the clinical stage (fourth grade) is not allowed.  
  • Number of transferred students should not exceed 5% of the registered students of each year.
  • Transference regulations are discussed and approved by the Faculty council for each coming year.
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Cairo University & Bank of Knowledge


Center for Social and Preventive Medicine

Integrated Program of Kasr Alainy